Let's go to watch a cherry blossom of Tougokusan
fruit park in Nagoya.
開花時期 The season in which
most flowers bloom |
四月上旬~中旬 From the
beginning of April to the middle. |
入場料 Admission |
無料(温室は300円) free(in the
greenhouse admission 300 yen) |
休園日 Park Closing |
と12月29日~1月3日 monday(if a national holiday falls on Monday, it is closed
the next day.) and 12/29~1/3 |
開園時間 Opening
Hours |
9:00~16:30 9:00~
16:30 |
交通 Access |
JR中央線高蔵寺駅 JR Chuou line
Kouzouji station ゆとりーとらいん 東谷橋 Yutorito rain bus Tougokubashi
bus stop. |
正面入口 main entrance |
この公園は枝垂れ桜で有名 This park is
famous for a shidare-sakura (The cherry tree which a branch hangs
down). |
レンギョウとユキヤナギ Forsythia and
Thunberg's meadowsweet |
桜の下で弁当 Bento under cherry
blossoms. |
温室と売店 A greenhouse and shop |
温室 Greenhouse |
温室入口 Greenhouse entrance |
梨の花と桜。後ろの山は東谷山。 Flower of a
cherry tree and the japanese pear. The back mountain is Tougoku-san
(mountain). |
桃の花 The flower of the peach
tree. |
無花果の木 Tree of fig. |
桜と蜜柑の木 Tree of cherry tree and
mandarin orange. |
南出入口 South gate. |
梨畑と桜 A pear field and cherry
tree. |
しだれ橋を渡ると… beyond the
bridge. |
釣の出来る池がある。 Fishing
corner. |
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