Let's go to watch a cherry blossom of Arakogawa-
kouen(park) in Nagoya.
開花時期 The season in which
most flowers bloom |
三月末~四月初め頃 It is early
April from the end of March that a flower blooms. |
交通 Access |
あおなみ線荒子川公園駅 Aonami
line Arakogawa-kouen station. |
駅の高架ホームから見下ろす From the
elevated platform of the station. |
駅の横 The side of the
station. |
荒子川 Arako-gawa(river). |
川面に映る The cherry blossom which is
reflected in the surface of a river. |
菜の花と桜 A rape and cherry
blossoms. |
花見 Hanami(A picnic under the cherry-
blossoms.) |
桜のトンネル Tunnel of cherry
blossoms. |
名古屋近辺花見物表紙へ戻る:return to top page